
My husband watching TV with the baby.

My husband with my best friend's baby. He's a natural :-)

My best friend's baby at my parents' house on a recent trip.

Me with my best friend's baby, Willow. She is adorable! She's at the stage where she's mimicking right now ... Smile and she smiles, open your mouth in surprise and she follows suit. I even got her to stick out her tongue a couple of times :-)

Me at the park in Ponce Inlet after driving down to see the lighthouse.

The lighthouse at Ponce Inlet in Florida.

On a recent vacation, we saw how much the beach has shrunk in Daytona with all the erosion from the hurricanes. No driving during high tide any more.

New photo site

I have a lot of photos from my cousin's wedding yesterday, so I just started a new blog for her. Check it out here.